Research > Focus C
Prof. Dr. med. Stefan M. Pfister
Hopp-Children´s Comprehensive Cancer Center at the NCT Heidelberg, Division of Pediatric Neurooncology, DKFZ Heidelberg
The WPs of Focus C in conjunction with the molecular information of Focus A and immunotherapeutic paradigms from Focus B will provide and expand a diagnostic platform, which is capable of coping with the needs of trialists and clinicians for assessment of heterogeneity, real-time non-invasive assessment of response and resistance and the generation of signatures or footprints allowing for personalized treatments. The need for precision and the integration of larger data volumes is managed with interaction of the WPs with D01 & D02. Further, Focus C will provide central data on a drug and biological repository as well as on different radiation qualities (together with B07A) to be used not only in the other WPs but also in further clinical studies. Specific advanced outcomes may be clinical implementation of automated glioblastoma MRI diagnostics and clinical integration of metabolic signatures from UNITE tissues and trial resources as well as globally available tissue resources for validation. From this, further (phase 0) trials may be developed.
Hopp-Children´s Comprehensive Cancer Center at the NCT Heidelberg, Division of Pediatric Neurooncology, DKFZ Heidelberg
University Hospital Heidelberg, Department of Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacoepidemiology
University Hospital Heidelberg, Department of Neuroradiology
University Hospital Heidelberg, Department of Neuroradiology
PhD, University Hospital Heidelberg, Department of Neuroradiology
Hochschule Mannheim, Center for Mass Spectrometry and Optical Spectroscopy
German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Brain Cancer Metabolism Group
University Hospital Heidelberg, Radiationoncology, UKHD
University Hospital Heidelberg, Radiationoncology, UKHD
University Hospital Heidelberg, Department of Neuropathology
University Hospital Heidelberg, Department of Neuropathology