Gender equality and family-friendly policies are a high priority for the participating departments as well as for the CRC as a whole. UNITE offers the following gender equality (GE) measures to all female scientists and family-friendly (FF) measures to all scientific staff with children:
- Child care services (FF, GE): Financial support for child care services;
- Student assistants (FF): Funding for student assistants to help scientists improve the balance between research work and family commitments;
- Home office equipment (FF): Funding for a laptop and other equipment (e.g. webcam, headset, software) to enable working from home when this helps scientists improve the balance between research work and family commitments;
- Workshops (GE): Financial support for participation in career and skills workshops offered by UNITE and external organisations;
- Individual Coaching Sessions (GE): Individual coaching sessions with Dr. Silke Oehrlein-Karpi (www.kte-coaching.de) to work on career-related personal or professional challenges and projects.
- Other: All female scientists and all scientific staff with children can contact the UNITE Management Office with individual requests that are not included above but which would support career advancement, re-integration after family leave, working part-time or combing work and family duties.
In addition to these measures, the CRC commits to offering friendly, flexible working hours to all UNITE staff and to schedule all UNITE workshops and meetings within regular working hours.
Moreover, depending on the number/quality of applications and the qualification of the applicants,
- approximately 50% of the UNITE positions will be granted to female researchers;
- approximately 50% of invited speakers at UNITE events will be female;
- approximately 50% of mentorship positions will be held by senior female scientist.
Finally, all UNITE members and fellows can make use of existing support structures offered by the participating institutions.